Monday, June 15, 2009

Leaving for Paris

I leave for Paris tonight. Right now I am remembering how much I don't like to travel by air. Too many moving parts. Too many things that can go wrong. As I have gotten older, I have gotten more anxious about the whole process.

I go through the same cycle with travel all the time--right now I am trying to remember why I ever want to go anywhere. But I am anticipating that I will have a good time when I get to Paris and hopefully, will be able to do it again next year.

But for now, it is on to the Philly airport for departure.

1 comment:

  1. A couple days after we arrived in Edinburgh, Scotland as part of the Loyola Men's Lacrosse trip, we heard the news involving an Air France Airbus 330 mysteriously crashing into the Atlantic Ocean. After quickly reading your post it reminds me how scary and terrifying flying can be. We flew Air France just three days before the horrifying crash, and similar to the plane that crashed, we flew thousands of miles over the Atlantic. I agree that the whole process can be extremely anxious, however the vacation or trip almost always outweights the anxiety.
